Wednesday, February 15, 2012

That which sees

Imperfect beings such as we are limited in our identification of self. Our assumption of self is predicated on the correct functioning of our 5 senses. This understanding of self is analogous to a witness sitting in a cave while its senses project shadows on the walls. Otherwise, that which sees is intangible and impermeable, while the assumption of self is the shadows on the walls. Some might call that which sees a soul, others agency. It defies classification. Before it opens its senses to the world it is tabula rasa. It doesn't know race. It doesn't know gender. If all senses operate at optimal levels it begins to gather information about the world around it and the rules for interaction. Based on this sensory perception, it will eventually come to the conclusion that it is separate from all. That assumption will define how it interacts with the world the rest of its life. Encountered objects will have varying degrees of similarity or difference, but all is separate.
Few games embody this for me better than flow. There is only you. Everything you encounter is separate.You are nothing more than a simple organism that must compete to survive.  Survival leads to evolution to a higher organism. Eventually, that which exists little resembles what it once was.
I'm comfortable in this avatar's skin.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed flow. I always called it a petri dish simulator. As much as i liked flow, and the follow up flower. i am REALLY looking foward to thatgamecompany's new game Journey.

    Journey is an interactive parable, an anonymous online adventure to experience life's passage and their intersections.
